Friday, September 23, 2011


Recently, like I said, my teacher was talking to me about Busch Gardens. She informed me that her daughter interned there over the summer for about a week and got right to work in the field. Day one she was working with the tigers, the rabbits, and even on the "Serengeti" to see the giraffes. This to me seems like such a wonderful experience for the type of things I want to do with my life. I was so thrilled when she talked about it with me. However, I feel that perhaps I can no long do this after just looking at their website for the camps.

Zookeeping 101 is for grades 10-12. To be honest I am about three years out of that loop. For Zookeeping 201 you need 101 as a prereq. I should probably call them, but that kind of stuff scares me. With my luck I will be the Jr. in college with a bunch of little kids. Woo! I should probably look into calling them though so I can see what's going on. I think it would be a really good experience.

Disney also offers an internship by working in the Animal Kingdom. This would be a lovely experience as well! The only downside is that I need at 3.0GPA and after last semester I no longer have that. (3.75 to a 2.75, ugh!) After this semester I should hopefully have it, I have my fingers crossed. I don't know much about this internship besides the fact that a lot of people I spoke too really love working for Disney. I mean, how amazing would that look on a resume?! I would have to make a lot of different looks for myself, but it would be worth it in the end. I would usually just pass up jobs like this, but when working with animals I will have to follow this rules anyways. Might as well start now!

I will have to take out my nose ring and no only wear studs in my ears. My hair must always be out of my face and tied back. My glasses might be considered too big and distracting so I will have to invest in another pair that have smaller frames and are less obvious. No big deal really, but all of this stuff is new to me.

Lastly, we come to my study abroad program in India. I am looking forward to this more than anything listed above. Why? Well for one I have never left the country in my entire life so I am beyond excited! Two, they will be going to a tiger preserve. Three, Bollywood. Four, I get to do all of this while taking a three credit class. Education, hands on experience, and a trip I'll never forget. How can I say no to this!? We will, for one day, be spending it with children and hanging out with them. My professor doesn't know if it's an orphanage or a school, but either way I will be hanging out with kids who are growing up over there. That to me is so cool because I'll get a feel for their culture and all of that stuff. Like, I am so excited!

My dad seems to be supporting that, but we can see how well this goes. I might just be getting a passport for Christmas, but as of right now, I am totally okay with that!

Third Year

Here I am sitting alone on a Thursday night, or very early Friday morning depending on how you want to look at it. I have printed out thousands of pages of recipes I want to try asap. (I got them from How Sweet It Is. Check it out; it's amazing!) Personally I cannot wait to make the Pumpkin Pie Milkshakes, but maybe that's just me. The fact that I am beyond hungry and wishing I was drunk doesn't really help the sake of my poor printer. I apologize.

Classes start up about two weeks ago and well, they are nice. 11am on Mondays I have Philosophy with this man who, without directly saying it, told us he has erectile disfunction. Lovely. I'm not a fan of the class at all and it is by far my least favorite of them all. This is saying a lot because I'm re-taking American Civ II Tuesday at 1:30pm. However, before I get to that let me finish my Mondays. At 6pm I have Math. This isn't so bad since my professor was hired the Friday before classes started and I have two friends in my class. We don't learn anything, but it will be such an easy A. On Tuesdays, like I said, I have History. I'm re-taking this class since I was ever so lucky to have failed it last semester. My professor this semester is much better because she only has three papers that range from 1-2 pages. I have to learn the Chicago format, but it's much better than writing a dozen papers on things I don't care about. Bless you History majors. I don't know how you do it. Finally we come to Wednesdays where at 11am I am by far the happiest student known to man. I am in Anthropology and I have so much love and respect for my professor it isn't even funny. I have never idolized someone so much in my entire life. Non-family related anyways. I can't even begin to describe how deeply in I am in love with this class. I finish up my week with Math again at 6pm. After that I am a free bitch until Saturday where I work my night shift over at Chili's.

Might be going to India this summer as part of my schools study abroad program. My Anthropology teacher is holding some classes there and she was telling me that they will be going to a tiger reservation over there. Which I think is perfect since I plan on doing something anthrozoological / zoology related. She also told me her daughter did an internship in Busch Gardens working with the animals. I need to look into this!